Technical assistance on Water Sanitation Hygiene (WASH) to Support BNPB’s (National Agency for Disaster Management) response to national Covid-19 Pandemic

The Head of BNPB (National Disaster Management Authority) has been tasked with establishing a national level command and control structure that integrates all of the relevant Ministries and agencies to ensure that WHO guidance for management of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic are appropriately and timely addressed throughout the Nation.

A prominent program funded by USAID/OFDA, namely Invest-DM (Investing in Human capital for Disaster Management) runs by the Mercy Corp Indonesia. Aimed to support the government by developing and increase the capacity of civil servants to be able to fulfil their mandate to deliver effective disaster response management (DRM) and save lives. Responding to the Covid-19 pandemic, Invest-DM supports BNPB including through providing technical guidance to increase the capacity of the Task Force (Gugus Tugas) on mitigating and preventing the spread of Covid-19.

The Invest-DM assigned TSB to provide WASH technical guidance and support to BNPB on preventing Covid-19. TSB completed the field assessment and desk study followed with the analysis to identify opportunities and potential challenges in increasing HWWS behaviour change. Furthermore, the HWWS strategy document and the compliance monitoring protocol have been completed.